“Instead of despairing over Challenges, the focus should be on finding resolution” Honorable Speaker

(Parliamentary News) April 26, 2021:- The Speaker of the House of Peoples' Representatives of the (FDRE), Honorable Tagesse Chaffo, said that instead of despairing over conflicts in some parts of the country, the focus should be on finding resolution to it.

He said the nations, nationalities and ethnic groups living in all areas are related by common ancestors, proud people who have lived in harmony for centuries and have fallen for the country in struggle for foreign and domestic enemies.

He said the recent challenges in some parts of the country will be resolved over time.

He further stressed the need to strengthen the unity and solidarity of the people, correct distorted narrations and ensure the country's prosperity by working hand in hand.

He urged the government and political parties to hold nonviolent election by peacefully announcing their manifesto to the people. He also urged them to be ready to accept the outcome of the election and there is no way to power without electoral system.

He also called on citizens to prove they really want to vote by registering ahead of time and vote for the party they believe will value them in the upcoming election. Steps should be taken to make it easy for every citizen to vote. He admonished to ensure that Prosperity Party and other competing parties respect the voice of the people.

Honorable Speaker Tagesse Chaffo is running for the House of Peoples' Representatives of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia on behalf of the Prosperity Party.

By Yared Eshetu