(Parliamentary News), Oct 2, 2022: The Speaker of the FDRE House of peoples' Representatives Honorable Tagesse Chaffo, received the delegation led by Senator James M. Inhofe (R-OK), who is the Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services, which included Senator John Boozman (R-AR), Inhofe' African policy Director Mark Powers and Senator Mike Rounds (R-SD) at his office this morning.

Honorable Speaker Tagesse Chaffo gave the delegation sufficient understanding on the current national issues and the bilateral relations between the two countries.

During the discussion with the Senators, the speaker explained in detail the current situation of Ethiopia and the solution options that the government is following.

Speaker Tagesse explained that he will work cooperatively to strengthen the bilateral friendship between Ethiopia and the United States and further develop their parliamentary relations.

Senator James, on his part, expressed that he had gained sufficient understanding of the current situation in Ethiopia through the explanation given by the speaker.

Translated by Yared Eshetu

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