Mr. Mulugeta Shanqo Tolosa

Mr. Mulugeta Shanqo Tolosa
- Procurement, Finance Directorate, Director
- Telephone: +251-1 11 24 10 67
- Mobile: +251- 911661301
- Email:
- Personal Website: #
Mr. Mulugeta Shanko Tolessa has worked as Accountant, Budget & Accountant, Sinor finance officer, Team leader, Head Administration & finance and Procurement, Finance and Resource Management Directorate, Director in different parts of Governmental organization. He worked as Tsehay-Gibate Primary School Accountant, Tsehay-Chora primary school Accountant & Budget, Selam Health centre Head Administrative & Finance and Finance procurement & Material Mgt. Supportive process leader, Zewditu Memorial Hospital Finance, procurement and material Mgt. supportive process leader , senior accountant & Auditor, Catering & Tourism Training centre Senior accountant and Starting from the 14ne of December 2011, He is working as House of peoples Representatives of the federal democratic republic of Ethiopia Finance officer, Senior Finance officer, Team leader and Now Procurement, finance & property administration directorate director
Born in the city of Yirga Chaffe in SNNP Reign , Ethiopia, Mr. Mulugeta holds a Degree in Accounting from St.mary’s University Collage and Now I am learning Masters of Arts (M.A.) in Accounting and Finance To EthiopianCivilServiceUniversity. He served as Member of the Ethiopian Professional Association of Accountant & Auditors.