(Parliament news): November 25, 2021; Addis Ababa: The Human Resources Development, Placement and Technology Affairs Standing Committee of the HoPRs conducted a working induction with the Innovation and Technology Ministry of the FDRE.

During the induction debut, Chairperson of the Standing Committee, Honourable Negeri Lencho (PhD) said; the induction of the two pivotal stakeholders is a good step towards enhancing the private and public sector’s technological sophistications so as to upgrade the lifestyle of the general public. As to him, the commitment of all the involved goes essential, all the time.

The Chairperson elaborated about the duties and responsibilities of the Standing Committee to the representatives of the Ministry, during the ceremony. As well, he gave explanations on the inter-relationships between the Committee and the respective executive wings as well as the Ministry-in-concern.

Minister of the Innovation and Technology Ministry of the FDRE, His Excellence Belete Molla (PhD) on his part replied; his Ministry is committed enough to meet expectations from both the public and the government. The coalition with the Standing Committee remains important along the way, he added.

Moreover, the Minister elucidated on issues like research, digitalization of national economy, integrity of innovation and technology engagements, proceeding on the carefully identified infrastructures and the ways of carrying on regulatory tasks to the Standing Committee Chairperson and other members of the Committee in the ceremony.

It has been well understood that both sides exchanged additional ideas on mutual understandings and future engagements.

Transleted by Asrat Addisu