Title Subject Author Publisher Call No
Monetary economics Economics Keith bain Palgrave macmillan/2009 332.46
Modrn Africa: change and continuity history & geography Hull, Richard W New Jercy, Prentice-Hall Inc/1980 967
Modes of production in Africa social science Crummey, Donald C., Stewart, C London, Sage publications/1981 330.96
Modernaization Democracy, And Islam political science 2005 320.91767
Modern world History History and Geography McAleavy, Tony New York, Cambridge University press,1996 909.82
Modern theories of international economic relations history and geography Frumkin, A Moscow, Progress publishers, 1969 382.104
Modern Social Work Theory history and geography Malcolm Payne 361.3 361.3
Modern Politics & Government Political science Alan R. Ball 2005 320
Modern political constitutions LAW C.F.Strong 1966 341
Modern poetry, studies in practical criticism literatures Cox, C, B. London, Edward Arnold/1963 801.951
Modern poetry, studies in practical criticism Literatures Cox, C, B. London, Edward Arnold, 1963 801.951
Modern poetry from Africa Literatures Ed: Moore, Gerald Hrmondsworth, Penguin 1973 808.81
Modern perspectives in western art history Arts & recreation W. Eugene Kleinbauer Holt Rinehart and Winston inc 1971 709
Modern organizations Technologies Stewart R. Clegg Sage publication 658.1
Modern nursing history and geography Winifred Hector William Heinemann medical books 1976 610
Modern Marketing management Technologies Daver, Rustom, S New Dehli, Universal book stall/1996 658.8
Modern manufacturing process Engineering Technologies Niebel, Benjamin, W New York, McGraw-Hill publishing company, 1989 670.42
Modern linguistics, the results of chomsky's revolution history and geography Smith, Neil Wilson, Deirdre Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1979 410
Modern letter writing literature Vikas publishing campany 1983 808.86
Modern legal drafting Literatures Peter Butt Cambridge university press 2006 808.06634
Modern legal drafting Literatures Peter Butt Cambridge university press 2006 808.06634
Modern history of korea history & geography Kim Han Gil Foreign languages publishing house/1979 967.82
Modern China: an interpretive anthology History & Geograhpy Levenson, Joseph, R London, Macmillan,/1971 951
Modern bulgarian poetry History & geography Macgregor-Hastie, Roy USA, Sofia press, 1975 891.81108
Modern algebra history and geography Surjeet singh Qazi zameeruddin Vikas publishing house 1990 512
Modern Abyssinia History & Geography Augustus B.Wylde 963.052
Modeling Bilateral International Relations Political science Xinsheng Liu 2006 327.7305
Mobilizing technology for world development history and geography Ed: Ramesh, Jairam New York, Praeger publishers, 1979 600
Minutes of an Ethiopian Century History & Geography Taffara Deguefe 963
Minority Rights Majority Rule Political science Sarah A.Binder 1997 328.73
Minoritiesat Risk A Global View of Ethnopolitical Conflicts phycologists Ted Robert Gurr 1993 305.8
Ministries at work History and geography The royal Norwegian ministry of government 1994 948.1
Minima Moralia: The reflection From Damaged Life psychology Theodor Adorno 1951 193
Mineral occurrences of Ethiopia Natural Science Jelenc, Danilo , A. Addis Ababa, Ministry of mines/1966 549 .963
Mikhail Kalinin:(Commemorating the centenary of his birth) History and Geography Dementyev, A. Moscow, Novosti 1975 923.247
Migration and Gender in The Developed World economic 1999 304.2
Middle East past and present History & geography Armajani, Yahya Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall,/1970 956
Middle east oil and the energy crisis Economics Joe Stork Monthly revivew press/1975 338.27282
Microsoft Mouse Anvandarhandbok information 1991 oo5.74
Microfinance and public policy Economics Palgrave Macmillan/2007 332
Microelectronics Economics CSE microelectronics group CSE books/1980 331.1
Microeconomics theory Economics Mansfield 1997 338.5
MicroEconomics social science Ayele Kuris 338.5
Microeconomics social science Ayele kuris 338.5
Microeconomic theory Economics henderson Magraw-hill/1971 338.5
Microeconomic theory Economics John P.Gould Richard d. irwin/1998 338.5
Micro economics Economics Heyne Paul 338.5
micro economics Economics John P.Gould 1998 338.3
Mexico history & geography Coe, Michael D. New York, Praeger publishers /1972 972
Methods of fertilizer application history and geography Ed: Bulaev, V, E New Delhi, Oxonian press, 1984 631.816
MetaPhysical Theory of The State Philosophy Leonard T. Hobhouse 1996 110
Meskel: an Ethiopian family saga 1926-1981 History & Geography Mellina, Lukas Nairobi, Jacaranda designs/1995 963
Mercantile law history and geography M.C.Kuchhal Vikas publishing house 346.07
Mental Retardation Drew psychology 1984 157
Mental Maps psychology Peter Gould 1967 153.93
Mental Health in Rural Ethiopian social science 362.2
Menelik of Ethiopia History & Geography Darkwah, R, H 923.163
Men, Masculinity,and The Media economic 1992 305.31
Men Women and Madness: Understanding Gender and Mental Disorder sociology Joan Busfield 1996 301.11
Men in Groups economic Lionel Tiger 1969 305.31
Memo from Belgium Views and Surveys social science Robert Senelle 1978 303.4843
Member of the standing Committee of the PMAC and the executive committee of COPWE and Chairman of the Supreme Central Committee of AETU and AEPA Election social science Lgesse Asfaw 334.680963
Member of Parliament The Job of a Backbencher Political science Lisanne Radice 1999 328.33
Megs book history and geography Ill; Nina O’Connell Macmillan education 1985 428.6
Mega Book of English Grammar Language 425
Medunarodno Provo I granicni problem u Africa history Feleke Gedle Giorgis Decje novine/1982 960.6
Medicine law and social change LAW Leanna Darvall Ashgate dartmouth/1993 344
Medical services in war, the principal medical History and geography Ed: Macnalty, Arthur, Salusbury Her majestys stationary office 1968 940.5475
Mediation of the West New Guinea Dispute,1962 A Case Study Political science Christopher J.McMullen 1981 327.598049
Media Research Methods Computer Science Ina Bertrand 2002 oo1.42
Media Power in Politics sociology Doris A. Graber 1990 302.23
Media Markets and Democracy sociology C.Edwin Baker 2002 302.23
Media law and human rights history and geography Andrew Nikol Qc blackstonepress 346.302
Media Crisis and Democracy: Mass communication and The Disruption Of Social Order sociology Marc Raboy 1992 302.23
Mechanisms in modern engineering design history and geography Artoboleusky, T.I. Moscow, MIR publishers, 1977 621.8
Meaza' of Ethiopia: a historical novel of the Ethiopian Rev Lirerature O'Mahoney, Kevin Addis Ababa, S.N/1991
Measuring education outcomes fundamentals of testing history and geography Tuckman, Bruce, W New York, Harcourt Brace Javahavich Inc., 1975 371.26
Maxim gorky Literatures Progress publisher 801.3
Max Weber From History to Modernity psychology Bryan S. Turner 1993 301
Mathematics for Elementary teachers, a contemporary approach history and geography Musser, Gary, L Burger, William, F New York, Macmillan publishing co., 1988 510
mathematics history and geography Alemayehu Haile Yismaw Alemu Addis Ababa university 1993 510
Materials, articles, interviews Arts & recreation Prokofiev, Sergie Moscow, Progress publishers/1978 780.92074
Materials management Technologies P gopalakrishman Prentice hall of india/1998 658.7
Masters and journeymen Economics C.R.Dobson Rowman and littlefield/1980 331.0941
Mastering The Internet information William Buchanan 1997 oo1.535
Mastering Psychology psychology Roger Davies 1995 150
Mastering Modern world History History and Geography Norman Lowe Macmillan ,2001 909.82
Master pieces of world literature in digest form Literature Magill, Frank, N New York, Harper and Row, 1969 809
Master of International Thought Political science Kenneth W.Thompson 1980 327
Mass Society, Pluralism, and Bureaucracy psychology Richard F.Hamilton 2001 301
Mary mcleod bethune History and Geography Catherine Owens Peare A macfadden bartell book 1966 923.673
Marxist economic theory Economics Ernest Mandel Monthly review press/1970 335.412
marx:The First 100 Years political science 1983 320.5322
Marx,Freud,and The Critique of Every day Life:Toward a Permanent Cultural Revolution Bruce Brown sociology Bruce Brown 1973 301.6
Marx on economics Economics Robert Freedman Penguin books/1961 335.422
Marriage in Changing Japan psychology Joy Hendry 1981 305.420952
Marketing research, text and cases Technologies Boyd, Harper, W Illinois, Richard D.Irwin,inc, 1994 658.83
Marketing problems and improvement programmes history and geography Abbot, J, C Rome, FAO, 1973 380.1
Marketing Planning Technologies Miller, Ernest, C Bombay, Traporevala publishing indushies, 658.1
Marketing management, Knowledge and skills Technologies Peter, J, Paul Boston, Irwin/1989 658.8
marketing management Technologies Kotler Philip 2012 658.8
Market failure, government failure, leadership and public policy Economics Joe Wallis Palgrave Macmillan/1999 330.13
Market failure, government failure, leadership and public policy economic Joe Wallis Palgrave Macmillan 1999 330.13
Market failure, government failure, leadership and public policy Economics Joe Wallis Palgrave Macmillan \1999 330.13
Market failure government failure leadership and public policy Economics Joe Wallis Palgrave Macmillan/1999 330.131
Market failure government failure leadership and public policy Economics Joe Wallis Palgrave Macmillan/1999 330.13
Market failure government failure leadership and public policy economic Joe Wallis Palgrave Macmillan/1999 330.13
Market failure government failure leadership and public policy economic Joe Wallis Palgrave Macmillan /1999 330.131
Market failure government failure leadership and public policy Economics Joe Wallis Palgrave Macmillan \1999 330.13
Market based management Technologies Roger best Pearson educational limited/2014 658.8
Maria or the wrongs of woman history & geography Mary Wollstonecraft and company 1975 823.6
Manufacturing strategy Economics Terry Hill The macmillan pree/1993 338.76
Manual on the rights and duties of medical personnel in armed conflicts history and geography : Baccino-Astrada, Alma Geneva, International committee of the redcross, 1982 361.7702
Manual for nurses history and geography Ed: Arkhange, G, V Moscow, Mir pub, 1978 616.0202
Manpower Planning Technologies Ed: Barthoromew, D, J New York, Pengine books, 658.3
MANMMAAKSA OROMOO: Gumii Qormaata Afaan Oromootiin Waxabajii,1996 Lirerature 892.81
Managing with total quality management, theory and practise Technologies Ed: Wilkinson, Adrian London, Macmillan/1998 658.001
Managing with Information Technologies Kanter, Jerome New Delhi, Prentice hall of India 658.05
Managing International Conflect From Theory to Policy Political science Lincoln P.Bloomfield 1997 327.17
Managing Fiscal Decentralization Technologies Ehtisham Ahmed ROUTLEDGE/2002 658.402
Managing effective work groups history and geography Margerison, Charles, J London, McGraw-Hill book company, 1973 658
Managing economies trade and international business Technologies Ed;Aidan o connor Palgrave Macmillan/2010 658.8
Managing babel;the international legal protection of minorities in the twentieth centery history Managing babel;the international legal protection of minorities in the twentieth centery Li-ann Thio 346.03
Managing Archives Foundation, Principles and Practice Information Caroline Williams 2006 o27
Managerial economics and business strategy Economics Bave & prince Mcgraw hill/2013 330
Managerial economics and business strategy economics Bave & prince Mcgraw hill/2013 330
Managerial economics and business strategy Economics Bave & prince Mcgraw hill\2013 330
Management of water resources in agriculture history and geography U.S.Sree Ramulu New age international publishers 1998 631.587
Management of the economy Economics Horst Trauer 1988 338.9
Management Information System (Text Book) Technology Mesfin Fiker 658.4
management information system Technologies Mesfin Fiker 2008 658.4
Management information and power history and geography Lucas D.Introna Palgrave macmillan 1997 658
Management for the public domain: enabling the learning society history and geography Ranson, Stewart New York, St.martin press 350.0001,
Management consultancy, a user’s guide Technologies Andand, K, K New Delhi, Vikas publishing house,/1994 658.46
Management concepts and techniques history and geography P.O.Yalokwu Peak publishers 2000 658
Management and control in large systems. Technologies Ed: Voronov, A.A Moscow, Mir publishers/1986 658.4013
Management accounting Technologies Akira Nishimura Palgrave McMillan 658.15
Management history and geography Kinard, Jerry Lexington, D.C. Health and company, 1988 658
management Technologies Rue Leslie W /1997 658
Management history and geography Stoner, James, A New Delhi, Prentice-Hall of India 1997 658
MAN: This Behaviour and Social Relations p;sychology Bueva 1978 158.2
Man's Struggle For Shelter in an Urbanizing World Social sciences Charles Abrams 1966 307.76
Man's achievements through the ages History and Geography Habberton, William Waterville, Laidlaw brothers, 1958 909
Man Zedong, biography-assessment-reminiscenses History and Geography Wnxian, Zhong Bejjing, Foreign languages press, 1986 923.151
Man The World Peace psychology 1988 172.2
Man of the move History and Geography Harvey S.Firestone Bantam books 1967 904.7
Man made language history and geography Dale Spender Routledge and kegan paul 1980 400
Man in Africa sociology 1969 301.2096
Man in Africa political science Colin M.Turnabull 1976 321.2096
Man and State political science Jacques Maritain 1951 320.15
Man and Society in Africa: an Introduction to Sociology sociology Odetola 1983 301.096
Man and nature, the ecological crisis and social progress history and geography Fedorov, Evgeni, K Moscow, progress publishers, 1980 573
Man and Africa social science London, J A Church/1965 330.96
Mammaakaaf weelluu, proverbs and love songs from Arssi Lirerature Obsaa, Tegen Addis Ababa, Commercial pringing/1993 808.182
Male and Femal economic Margaret Mead 1950 305.3
Malcom X on Afro-american History history Malcom, X New York, Pathfinder press, /1982 960.73
Making sense of global health governance history and geography Ed;Kent buse palgrave macmillan 2009 368.42
Making sense in law Law Bernard S.Jackson Deborah Charles publication/1995 340
Making local governance work history and geography Sue Goss Palgrave Macmillan 2001 352.14094
Making law Law Indiana university press/1993 340.115
making innovation happen Technologies Morgan Michael 2001 658.4063
Making Documentary films Reality Videos Information Barry Hampe 1997 o70.18
Making commercial law history and geography Ed;Ross Cranston Oxford university press 346.07
Making civil rights law LAW Mark V.Tushnet Oxford university press/1994 342
Making Citizens in Africa Ethnicity, Gender, and National Identity in Ethiopia social science Lahra Smith 323.60963
Making and Breaking Governments political science Michael Laver 1996 321.8
Making America: areader's guide history & geography Washington, United states information agency /1987 973
Make the Indian ocean a peace zone LAW Yuri Nikolayev Novosti press/1985 341
Major Harmful Traditional Practices in Ethiopia(NCTPE) social science NCTPE 320.443
Maintaining community in The Information age social science Karen F.Evans 2004 303.4833
Mahatma Gandhi, the man who became one with the universal being History and Geography Rolland, Romain New Delhi, Minstry of Information and Broadcasting, 1968 923.1
mahatma Gandhi, the last phase History and Geography pyareal Ahmedabad, Navavjivan publishing house 1958 923.154
mahatma Gandhi, a great life in brief History and Geography Sheean, Vincent New Delhi, Minstry of information and Broadcasting, 1968 923.154
Mahatma Gandhi, 100 years History and Geography Radhakrishnan, S. New Delhi, Gandhi peace Foundation, 1968 923.154
Made in ussr history and geography V.A.Ilyin Progress publishers 1978 382.0947
Macroeconomics Economics N.Gregory Mankiw Worth publishers/2000 339.42
Macroeconomics Economics Olivier Blanchard Prentice hall/1997 339
Macroeconomics Economics Sachs.Larrain Prentice hall/1993 339
Macroeconomic theory and policy Economics William H.Branson Universal book/1979 339
Macroeconomic stabilization in transition economies Economics Mario I.Blejer Cambridge university press/1997 339.50947
Macroeconomic policies of developed democracies Economics Robert J.Franzese Cambridge university press/2002 339.5
Macroeconomic management Economics Macmillan press/1995 339.5
Macroeconomic dimensions of public finance Economics routledge/1997 336
Macroeconomic Economics William H.Branson Harper and row publisher/1989 339
Machine tool design v3 history and geography Ed: Acherkon, N Moscow, Mir publishers, 1982 621.902
Machine tool design v3 history and geography Ed: Acherkon, N Moscow, Mir publishers, 1982 621.902
Machine tool design v 2 history and geography Ed: Acherkon, N Moscow, Mir publishers, 1982 621.902
Machine Design history and geography Berezovsky, Yu. Moscow, Mir publishers, 1988 621.815
Lukacs concept of dialectic history and geography Meszaros, Istvan London, The Merlin press, 1972 417.2
Love to Vietnam, a Novel history & geography Morris, Edita New York, Monthly Review Press 1968 839.74
Love of the motherland: its realization a personal view History & Geography Belai Teklu Canada/1995 963
Love Between Equals: A Philosophical Study of Love and Sexual Relationships phycology & philosophy John Wilson 1995 128.4
Love and treason history Osborn, David London, Granada publishing Ltd., 1982 823
Lords of poverty Economics Graham Hancock Mandarin peperback/1997 339.46
Long walk to freedom the autobiography of nelson mandela History and Geography Little brown and company 1994 923.1
Long walk to freedom History and Geography Nelson Mandela Abacus 1994 923.1
Logistics and supply chain management Technologies Martin Christopher Pearson education limited/2011 658.5
Logic as a positive science history and geography Della, Volpe, Galvano London, NLB, 1980 501
Location and well-being Economics Thoms j.wilbanks harper & row, publishers/1980 330.9
Location and well-being economic Thoms j.wilbanks harper & row, publishers/1980 330.9