null “Arba-Minch University shall stand peace model”

“Arba-Minch University shall stand peace model”

The human resources and technology affairs standing committee of the HoPR, in its recent visit paid to Arba-Minch University remarked, “The University shall stand peace model in its peaceful teaching learning endeavours”.

The University management courses of actions in-line with the community in vicinity, the security forces and religious leaders contributed to the peace in it, the committee observed. Its overall student-centred deeds should have been the foundation for its calmness, which could stand-out a model for others too; the committee added.

The University-industry ties, which helps students convert their theoretical knowledge into pragmatic skills, that can, at the end-of-the-day will benefit both parties is also an exemplary practice; according to the explanation by the committee.

The standing committee believed the University is running short of vehicles. It also is facing procurement delays. The 15 Eth Birr per day budget allocation for individual student’s food consumption which the University is struggling with is not acceptable, the committee said.

Other shortcomings in construction and border issues should get solved as soon as possible, the committee suggested. The University-community relations should also be extended to look after the health situation of the nearby community, the committee proposed.

President of Arba-Minch University, Damtew Darza (PhD) praised the committee for its suggestions and valuable comments that followed his explanation about the University’s teaching learning process.


         Translated by Asrat Addisu

House writer