null State of Emergency Inquiry Board urges for careful attention of returnees.

State of Emergency Inquiry Board urges for careful attention of returnees.

State of Emergency Inquiry Board urges for careful attention to human rights, safety of health workers and returnees.

April 23, 2020(HOPR):- The State of Emergency Inquiry Board that established based on the #COVID-19 outbreak to inspect and follow up the implementations made a field observation on humanitarian treatment of the returnees at three campus of Addis Ababa University.

Chairperson of the board honourable Peteros Woldesenbet said, the field observation is intended to inspect the activities being carried out at the isolation unit and to response questions from returnees.

According to State Minister of ministry of Health honourable Seharla Abdulahi, to gain first-hand knowledge on the field level implementation and impact of the national and local response strategy, under a range of epidemiologic and provincial contexts, visits were conducted and a number of activities are being undertaken by the Ministry of Health.

 During the field inspection at the University of Addis Ababa, Dr. Mohammed and Dr. Kidist, isolation unit directors, told the board members that, 650 Ethiopian returnees from Saudi Arabia are being kept in strict isolation at the university, and 295 are women.

The government already declared returnees - whether they have COVID-19 symptoms or not - must have an appropriate isolation plan that includes access to food and medicine. According to the directors  the unit is run by hospital staff, while different teams are providing them with logistical and infection prevention and control advice to protect healthcare workers and returnees. After the final diagnosis and the results, family reunion would be carried out.

Board members observe when health workers are deliver key information on mandatory quarantine, COVID-19 prevention and management measures, and referral pathways as needed. The data from returnees are shared on a daily basis with the Ministry of Health.

State Minister Seharla Abdulahi also added, Healthcare facilities must be prepared for potential staffing shortages and have plans and processes in place to mitigate these, including providing resources to assist returnees.

In his concluding remarks, the Chairman of the Board honourable Peteros Woldesenbet, said “healthcare workers across the country never for a moment have wondered if they should go to work. They are getting ready and packing their bags so they can be at their work for however long they need to, to protect the community. I want to say this to health care professionals working during this pandemic: I’m proud of you for all your strength, courage and selflessness taking care of so many in such a difficult time.”

He said that there are more challenging tasks to be done, and that health professionals should work together and support and co-operate with each other.

He also said that the Board would understand the challenges encountered in the process and would try to address them with relevant stakeholders.

By Yared Eshetu

House interpreter