Title Subject Author Publisher Call No
The economics and the ethics of constitutional order economics Jamesm Buchanan The university of Michigan press/1991 330
The economics and the ethics of constitutional order Economics Jamesm Buchanan The university of Michigan press\1991 330
The economic geography of the world History and Geography Ed: maksakovsky, V., P. Moscow, Progress publishers, 1979 910.133
The economic cycle postwar developments Economics Simenshikov Progress publishers/1975 330.122
The economic cycle postwar developments economic Simenshikov Progress publishers /1975 330.122
The economic cycle postwar developments Economics Simenshikov Progress publishers \1975 330.122
The economic cycle postwar development Economics S.Menshikov Progresss publisher/1975 338.54
The economic approach to law Law Thomas J.Miceli Stanford university press/2009 340.1
The economic analysis of producers cooperatives Economics Frank H. Stephen The macmillan press/1984 334
The Ecology of public Administration and Management in Africa history and geography African Association For Public Administration and Management New Delhi, Vikas, 350
The Ecology of health and disease in Ethiopia Technology Addis Ababa, Minstry of Health/1988 616.00963
The Ecology Of Ethiopia Natural Science Paul A. Mohr 556.3
The east asian development experience History & Geograhpy Ha-Joon Chang Zed books/2006 950.01
The Earth's impending physical environment round the year 2000 and the problems of the developing countries history and geography Affshar, H.K. Tehran, The institue of tehran university, 1973 628.5
The dynamics of global economic governance Economics Richard Eccleston Edward elgar publishing limited/2012 336.2
The Dying Lion Feudalism and Modrnization In Ethiopia History & Geography Patrick Gilkes 963.06
The dollar and its rivals Economics Richardo Parboni 1980 332.45
The Dodecanese the long road to union with greece history&geograhpy Kastaniotis /1997 949.5
The diversity of Management, twelve managers talking Technologies Stewart, Rosemary London, Macmillan, /1994 658.4
The distributional effects of government spending and taxation Economics Palgrave macmillan/2006 339.20973
The dissertation hand book Literatures Eileent T. Nickerson Kendall hunt publishing company 1993 808.02
The dissertation hand book Literatures Eileent T. Nickerson Kendall hunt publishing company 1993 808.02
The discovery of India Nehru, Jawaharal History & Geography Lindon, Medridian books,/1956 954
The discovery of India History & Geograhpy Nehru, Jawaharal Lindon, Medridian books, /1956 954
The discovery of India History & Geograhpy Nehru, Jawaharal London, Meridian books, /1956 954.042
The Diplomacy of German Unification Political science Stephen F.Szabo 1992 327.0943
The dilemma of the horn of Africa History & Geography Bhardwaj, Raman, G 963
The Dictionary of Ethiopian Biography History & Geography 920.063
The Dictionary of African Biography History & Geography 921.063
The Dialectic of Sex Shulamith Firestone psychology 1970 305.42
The developmental state Economics Cornell university press-1999 338.9
The development of movement control and co ordination history and geography Ed; J.A.Scott Kelso Jane E.Clark Page bros Norwich ltd 1982 363.31
The Developing Countries in International Relations Political science Vladimir Sestrimski 1981 327.091724
The detainee History and Geography Nayira, Legson London, Heinemann, 1974 896.393
The Destruction of the Health care Services in the State of Kuwait history and geography Abdullah M. 362.1'536
The deprived child and adoption history and geography Mary Ellison Pan books ltd 1963 362.734
The Democratic Peace and Territorial Conflict in the Twentieth Century Political science Paul K.Huth 2002 327.16
The Democratic Development State political science Mark Robinson 2007 321.8
The deceiver history & geography Frederick Forsyth Corgi books 1991 823
The dawn of African history history and geograhpy London, Oxford Unversity press,/1965 960
The dawn of African history History & Geography 909
The dark holds no terrors, a novel history & geography Deshpande, Shashi New Delhi, Vikas publishing House Pvt. Ltd 1980 891.4
The Curse of the montrolfes history O'Grady, Rohan New York, Second Chance press,1962 823
The curriculum theory and practice history and geography A.V.Kelly Harper and row publisher 1980 375
The Culture of Enterprenership phycologists 1991 305.554
The Culture life of The Soviet Worker: A Sociological Study phycologists 1975 306.3
The cultural situation is socialist Ethiopia, Studies and documents on cultural polices social science Aleme, Eshete [S.N], UNESCO/1982 306.963
The cultural context of human resource development Economics Palgrave Macmillan/2009 330
The cultural context of human resource development Economics Carol d.Hansen Palgrave Macmillan \2009 330
The cultural context of human resource development Economics Carol d.Hansen Palgrave Macmillan \2009 330
The cultural context of human resource development economics Palgrave Macmillan 2009 330
The Crisis of Ethiopia Education social science Tekeste Negash 371.007063
The criminal law hand book history The criminal law hand book Paul Bergman 345
The Criminal Justice Network:An Introduction history and geography Cox,Steven M. Boston:Mc Graw Hill, 1998 364
The Criminal Code Of The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia social science 345
The Creation of world poverty: and alternative view to the Brandt report history and geography Hayter, Teresa London, Pluto Press, 1981 362.5
The covenant of Holy Mary Zion With Ethiopia religion Kefyalew merahi 238
The court and the constitution history and geography Archibald Cox Asian books 347
The course of empire: the Arab and their successors History& Geography Glubb, Sir John Englewood cliffs, Prentice-Hall, /1965 956.01
The Courage to Yourself psychology Sue Patton Thoele 1991 158.1082
The constitution that delicate balance LAW Fred W.Friendly Arnold keinemann/1984 342
The constitution of the Islamic pepublic of Pakistan LAW National assembly of pakistan/1973 342
The constitution of norway LAW Ed;tones Andenas Oslo university press/1960 342
The constitution of indiaconstitution of india LAW V.N.Shuklas Eastern book company/1997 342
The constitution of india LAW Lok sabha secretariat 342
The constitution of india LAW 1996 342
The constitution of europe LAW J.H.H.Weiler Cambridge university press/1999 341
The conflict of laws in Ethiopia social science Sedler, Robert, Allen Addis Ababa, Haile Selassie I University/1965 Addis Ababa, Haile Selassie I University/1965
The Conflict of Law In Ethiopia social science Robert Allen Sendler 340.963
The conflict of law Adrian Briggs LAW Oxford university press/2002 341
The confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau History and Geography Cohen, J., M Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1971 921.4
The Cone gatherers history Jenking, Robin Ed: Pateman, Barry London, Longman,1995 823
The Cone gatherers history Jenking, Robin Ed: Pateman, Barry London, Longman,1995 823
The Cone gatherers history Jenking, Robin Ed: Pateman, Barry London, Longman,1995 823
The Cone gatherers history Jenking, Robin Ed: Pateman, Barry London, Longman 1995 823
The Cone gatherers history Jenking, Robin Ed: Pateman, Barry London, Longman,1995 823
The conditions of learning and theory of instruction history and geography Robert M.Gagne 1985 370.15
The concise Cambridge history of English literature, revised throughout and with additional chapters on the literature of the United States of America and the mid-twentieth-century literature of the English-speaking world Literature Sampson, George New Delhi, Vikas publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1970 820.9
The Concept of Comparative Politics political science Martin C. Needler 1991 320.3
The Computer Studies Series: Information Analysis Political science Janice Burn 1987 320
The complete shorter fiction of Virginia woolf Literatures Ed;Susan Dick 808.83 The Hogarth press 1989 808.83
The Company Of My Shadow Lirerature Gebre Selasie Tesfay 892.83
The Communist Movement from Comintern to Cominform political science FernandoClaudin 1970 320.532
The Common-Wealth and Suze Political science James Eayrs 1964 327.11
The common law Law Robert W.Chambers Grosset and dunlap publisher/1933 340.57
The Coming World order Political science Georgi Shakhnazarov 1981 327.172
The coming of the Italian-Ethiopia war History & Geography Baer, George, W Cambridge, Harvard university press/1967 963.056
The coming first world debt crisis Economics Ann Pettifor Palgrave Macmillan/2006 332.042
The combat History & geography Omotoso, Kole London, Heinemann, 1972 896.33
The collector of treasures, and other Botswana village tales History and Geography Head, Bessie London, Heinemann, 1977 896.393
The collected words of mahatma Gandhi History and Geography New Delhi, The pub. Division, 1971 923.154
The Civil Rights Movement Struggle and Resistance political science William T.Martin Riches 1997 323.4
The civil rights movement history & geography William t. martin riches Palgrave macmillan/2010 973.04961
The civic code of japan history and geography Ministry of justice japan Ministry of justice japan 347.52
The Cinderella Complex:Womens Hidden Fear of Independance psychology Colette Dowling 1981 305.4332
The CIA in The Dock: Soviet Jornalists on International Terrorism political sceince 1983 322.4
The Chinese literary scene; a writer's visit to the people's republic History & geography Kai-yu, Hsu Harmondsworth, Penguin books, 1976 895.15
The Chinese economy Economics Barry Naughton The mit press/2007 338.951
The Children of Poverty Lirerature Mulugeta Gudeta 823
The Child in Question history and geography Gittins, Diana London, macmillan, 1998 362.7
The changing world, studies in political geography History and Geography Ed: East, W., Gordon London, Harrap 1956 910.132
The changing constitution LAW Ed;Jeffrey jowell Oxford university press/2004 342
The changing constitution LAW Ed;Jeffrey Jowell Oxford university press/1989 344
The challenge to the south hijstory & geography Oxford university press/1990 968
The Challenge of drought, Ethiopia's Decade for struggle in Relief and rehabilitation commission Social science Addis Ababa, RRC/1985 363.3492
The challenge of democracy political science Kenneth Janda Houghton Mifflin company/1989 320.973
The Chalenge of Africa sociology Busia 1962 301.296
The Centenary of Dogali History & Geography 963.056
The Case for Democracy:The Power of Freedom to overcome political science Tyranny 2004 321.8
The Case For African Freedom political science Joyce Cary 1964 320.96
The cahllenge of Hunger social science Hancock, Graham London, Victor gollancz/1985 363.3492
The Business of drugs history and geography Cooper, Mary, H Bombay, Popular pakashan, 1990 363.45097
The Business of drugs history and geography Cooper, Mary, H Bombay, Popular pakashan, 1990 363.45097
The Business of drugs history and geography Cooper, Mary, H Bombay, Popular pakashan, 1990 363.45097
The Business of drugs history and geography Cooper, Mary, H Bombay, Popular pakashan, 1990 363.45097
The Business of drugs history and geography Cooper, Mary, H Bombay, Popular pakashan, 1990 363.45097
The builders History & geography Liu, Ching Peking, foreign language press, 1964 895.53081
The british system of government history and geography The stationary office 1996 530.813
The British Commwealth, a family of peoples History and Geography Shiels, Drummond London, Odhams press, 1956 910.09171
The bridge builders, public relations today Technologies Ed: Derriman, James London, Associated Business press 1979 659.2
The breastfeeding book history and geography Ed;charyn Jones Century Hutchinson ltd 1982 649.33
The break throught strategy, using short term successes to build the high performance organization Technologies Schaffer, Robert, H New York, Harper and Row/1988 658.4063
the Boundary Question between Ethiopia and Somalia History & Geography Petrides, S., Pierre New Delhi, People's Publishing house/1983 963.6773
The bottom billion Economics Paul Collier Oxford university press/2008 338.90017
The Borana and the 1991-92 drought, a range land and livestock resource study social science Alemayehu, Mengistu Addis Ababa, Institute for sustainable development/1998 338.18
The book that took a Cooke history and geography Reid Terry 428.6
The book of Margery kempe history & geography Tr;B.A.Windeatt Penguin books 1985 823
The Bonfire of the Vanities history Wolfe, Tom London, Picador,1990 823
The blue Nile History & Geography Moorhead, Alan 960.96264
The blue Nile History & Geography Moorhead, Alan London, Hamilton/1962 960.96264
The Blue Book of Parliamentary law: Rules of Proceedings and Debate in Deliberative Assemblies Political science Luther Stearns Cushing 1907 328.349
The Blair reader Literatures Ed: Kirszner, Laurie, G. New Jersy, A Blair press book, 1996 808.0427
The Blair reader Literatures Ed: Kirszner, Laurie, G. New Jersy, A Blair press book, 1996 808.0427
The black man's burden history and geograhpy New York, Modern readers paper backs/1920 960
The black Hermit History and Geography Thiong'o, Ngugi, Wa London, Heinemann, 1968 896.3922
The Birdoplane gang History & geography Kiselyov, Vladimir Moscow, Progress publishers, 1971 891.73
The Biography of Empress Menen Asfaw Mother of Ethiopian Nation History & Geography Anjahli Parnell 920.0082
The Binladen Connection and the Terror Factory in Africa social science Kinfe, Abraham 321
The big three, Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin in peace and war History and Geography Edmonds, Robin New York, W.W Norton and company, 1991 940.532
The big catch Economics A.F.Robertson Wetview press/1995 338.9
The Belgian Congo history & geography Slade, ruth London, Oxford university press,/1961, 967.5102
The Beginnings of Humankind Natural Science Donald Johanson 569.963
The battle of Kursk History and geography Ed: Parotkin, Ivan Moscow, progress, 1974 947.084
The Battle for The Labour Party political science David Kogan 1982 324.24107
The bandit of mohill Literature Lampman, Evelyn, Sibley New York, Doubleday and Comp., 1969 813.54
The balance between industry and agriculture in economic development Economics Macmillan press ltd/1988 330.9
The balance between industry and agriculture in economic development Economics Macmillan press ltd/1989 330.9
The balance between industry and agriculture in economic development economic Macmillan press ltd 1989 330.9
The balance between industry and agriculture in economic development economic Macmillan press ltd 1988 330.9
The balance between industry and agriculture in economic development Economics Irma Adelman Macmillan press ltd\1989 330.9
The balance between industry and agriculture in economic development Economics Kenneth j. Arrow Macmillan press ltd \1988 330.9
the background to current affairs History and Geography Crowley, D., W. London, Macmillan, 1963 909.82
The Background of Ethio-Somalia Boundary Dispute History & Geography Mesfin Wolde-Mariam 963.6773
The Axsum Obelisk its Return To Ethiopia History & Geography 963.01
The Art of Using Computers information Lincoln Andrews 1986 oo4
The art of Rome and her empire Arts & recreation Kahler, Heinz New York, Greystone press, 1965 709.37
The art of Egypt, the time of Pharaohs Arts & recreation Woldering, Irmgard New York, Greystone press , 1963 709.32
The art of cross examination history The art of cross examination P.Ramanatha Aiyer 345.54075
The art of case study research history and geography Robert E.Stake Sage publications ltd 1995 370.78
The Art of Case Study Research Statistics Robert E.Stake 1995 310
The art of black Africa Arts & recreation Laude, Jean Berkeley, University of California press, 1971 709.967
The art of Black Africa Arts & recreation Leuzinger, Elsy New York, Graphic Society, 1972 709.967
The art and peoples of black Africa Art & recreation Delange, Jacqueline New York, Dutton, 1974 700
The arms race Economics Miroslav Nincic Praeger publisher/1982 338.47623
The Architecture of Democracy political science 2005 320.473
The Architecture Of Democracy Arts & recreation Andrew Reynolds Inc .; New York 2002 720
The Arabs in Israel political science Sabri Jiryis 1976 323.409569
The Arabs in History History& Geography Lewis, Bernard London, Arrow books,/1958 956
The Arabs History and Geography Rodinson, Maxime London, Croom helm Ltd., 1981 909.04927
The Arab World Political science William R.Polk 1965 327.730175
The Arab economy today Economics Samir Amin Zed press/1982 330.91749
The Arab economy today Economics Samir Amin Zed press/1982 330.91749
The Annals Of American Academy of Political and Social Science sociology 1996 302.23
The Analytics of Uncertainty and Information information Jack Hirshleifer 1992 oo1.539
The Analysis of International Relations Political science Karl W. Deutsch 1978 327
The Analysis of International Relations Political scince Karl W. Deutsch 1978 327
The American Democracy political science Harold J. Laski 1953 321
The age of rights LAW Louis Henkin Columbia university press/1990 342
The African Quest:The transition From The OAU to AU and NEPAD Imperative History & Geography Kinfe Abraham 960.096
The African Press, Civic Cynicism, and Democracy phycologists Minabere Ibelema 2008 306.2096
The African Poor phycologists 1992 305.562096
The African past: chronicles from antiquity to modern times history and geograhpy Davidson, Basil New York, Grosset and Dunlap,/1967 960
The African past speaks: essays on oral tradition and history. history & geography England, Wm Dawson and Sons Lts/1980 967.0072
The African genius: and introduction to African cultural and social history history and geograhpy Davidson, Basil London, Little Brown and Co.,/1969 960
The African development bank Economics Kwame Donkoh Fordwor Pergaman press/1981 332.1531
The African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights political science Evans 2002 323.096
The African History & geography Conton, William London, Heinemann, 1960 896.343
The Africa origion of civilization, myth or reality History and Geography Diop, Cheikh, Anta Westport, Lawrence Hill and co., 1974 913.3207
The afl in the progressive era Economics Philip S. Foner International press/1980 331.88097
The advisory jurisdiction of the international court LAW Dharma Pratap Oxford university press/1972 341
The administration of justice in the federal republic of germany history The administration of justice in the federal republic of germany Wolfgang Heyde 345.0234
The administration and you LAW Council of Europe publishing/1996 342
The accountability of armed opposition groups in international law LAW Liesbeth Zegveld Cambridge university press/2002 341
The Account By a Kenya Africa of his Experiences in Destination Camps 1953- 1960 Josiah Mwangi Kariuki Josiah Mwangi Kariuki 923.26762
The abolition of war: the 'peace movement' in Britain, 1914-1919 History and geography Robbins, Keith Cardiff, University of Wales press, 1976 941.083
The abolition of the death penalty in international law LAW William A.Schabas Cambridge university press/2002 341
The ABC Murders Literatures Christie, Agatha S.L., Fontara, 1962 823
The 1990 world book year book, the annual supplement to the owrld book encyclopedia History and Geography World book Inc. Chicago, world book Inc., 1989 909
The 1980s meeting a new challenge Literatures Hwan, Chun Doo, President Seoul Korea, Korea text book co. Ltd 1986 808.51
The 13th Juror history Lescroart, John, T. New York, Islan books, 1994 823