Title Subject Author Publisher Call No
Ordeal, a trilogy book 2 history & geography Tolstoi, Alexei Konstantinovich Moscow, Prgress publishes,1975 891.73
Ordeal in Algeria history & geography Brace, Richard Princeton, Van Nostrand,/1960 965.04
Ordained by the oracle History & geography Konadu, Samuel, Asare London, Heinemann, 1969 896.333
Opprotunities in airline careers history and geography Faradis, Adrian Illinois, National textbook company, 1981 387.7
Opportunities of Publishing Careers Information John Tebbel 1975 o70.5
Opportunities of Magazine Publishing Information John Tebbel 1980 o70.572
Opportunities of Book Publishing Information John Tebbel 1980 o70.5
Opportunities in marine and maritime careers history and geography Heitzmann, Wm, Ray Illinois, VGM career Horizons, 1979 359.96
Opportunities in Library and Information Science information Peggy Sullivan 1977 o20
Opportunities in graphic communications, the printing industry Technologiees Reinfeld, George Skokie, National text book company, 1981 686.2
Opportunities in counseling and guidance history and geography Oana, Katherine Illinois, VGM Career Horizons, 1979 371.4
Opportunities in carpentry Technologies Sheldon, Roger Skokie, National text book company, 1981 694
Opportunities in broadcasting history and geography Ellis, Elmo, L Skokie,Illinois, VGM career Horizons 1977 384.5
Opportunities in banking Economics Andrian paradis National text books/1980 332.1
Opportunities in appraising valuation sciences Economics Dexter Macbride National text book/1980 333.332
Opportunities in accounting history and geography Lodge, Arthur Skokie, VGM Career Horizons, 1977 657
Opportunies in law careers Law Gary A.Munneke VGM career horizons/1981 340
Operations, planning and control Technologies Colley, John, L New Delhi, Tata McGraw-Hill publishing company ltd/1978 658.54
Operations management Technologies Barnett, Honard London, Macmillan/1996 658.5
Operations management Technologies R.Dan Reid John wiley and sons/2013 658.5
Operation windfall: emergence of Bangladesh history and geography Sodhi, Brig, H New Delhi, Allied publishers private limited, 1980 355.45492
operation research management history and geography Shenoy G.V 658.5
Operate Computers Yourself information Gurvinder Minhas 2000 oo4
operate computers yourself Computer Science Minles Guninder 2008 099
Open-Economy Politics, the political economyof the world coffee trade history and geography Bates, Robert, H New Jersy, Prination university press, 1997 382.4373
ontemporary Voices of Wtite Nationalism in America phycologists 2003 305.8034
Online Information Services in The Social Science information 2004 o25.5
Online business computer applications Technologies Eliason, Alan, L London, Collier Macmillan pub., 658.05
Onitsha market literature History & geography Obiechina, Emmanuel, N. London, Heinemann, 1972 896.308
One Year Of Ethio - Eritrean Conflict History & Geography Walta Information Center 963.5
One traveller's Africa History and Geography Nolan, Cynthia London, Methuen 1965 916.04
One To One Women in Parliament Photographs Political science Victoria Carew Hunt 1998 328
One man, one matchet History & geography Aluko, T., M. London, Heinemann, 1964 896.33
One Hand Tied Behind Us Political science Jill Liddington 1978 324.623
one Dimentional Men: Studise in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society sociology Herbert Marcuse 1964 301.243
Once a Faminist Stories of a Generation psychology Michelene Wandor 1990 305.42
On World Politics Political science Alexander Astrov 2005 327.101
On wings of Egles: The secret operation of the Ethiopian Exodus History & Geography 909.04924
On the vietnam people's armed forces history and geograhpy Minh, Ho, Chi Hano, Foriegn languages publishing house,/1985 959.7
On the origins of language, an introduction to the evolution of human speech history and geography Lieberman, Philip New York, Macmillan publishing co.Inc., 1975 401.9
On the opposition History and geography J.V.Stalin Foreign languages press 1974 947.0842
On the eve, a norel history & geography Turgenev, Ivan Moscow, Raduga 1989 891.7
On The Edge of an Abyss Political science Alexander yakovlev 1984 327.16
On the constitution LAW Lord Hailsham Harper Collins publisher/1992 342
On revolution and progress in economic knowledge Economics t.w hutchisun Cambridge university press/1978 330
On revolution and progress in economic knowledge economics t.w hutchisun Cambridge university press/1978 330
On revolution and progress in economic knowledge economics t.w hutchisun Cambridge university press/1978 330
On revolution and progress in economic knowledge Economics t.w hutchisun Cambridge university press\1978 330
On Materialism philosophy Sebastiano Timpanaro 1975 14146.36.3
On Justice in Society psychology Morris Ginsberg 1965 170.06
On Government: A Comparative Introduction political science George Kousoulas 1968 320.2
on Black Nationalism & Self-Determination political science Leon Trotsky 1967 320.540974
Omni interviews history and geography Ed: Weintraub, Pamela New York, Omni press book, 1984 500
OLD BEYOND IMAGINING: Ethiopia Harmful Traditional Practices History & Geography/963 963
Oil and class struggle Economics Zed press/1980 331.8801
Office organization and management history and geography Arora, S, P New Delhi, Vikas publishing house pvt. ltd, 1980 651.3
Office Management history and geography Denyer, J, C London, Macdonald and evans ltd, 1980 651.3
Of time and people History & Geography Yakovlev, Egor Moscow, Progress publishers, 1979 891.73
Of man and management history and geography Murthy, D, B New Dehi, UBSPD ltd., 1994 658
Obstetrics and the newborn history and geography Beischer Mackay w.B.Saunders company ltd 1979 612.63
Obstacle course history and geography G. Calvin Mackenzie Robert Shogan The twentieth century fund press 1996 353.00133
OAPEC and Arab petroleum, an international organization for economic cooperation and an instrument for regional integration Technologies Abdlkader, Maachou Paris, Berger-Levrault, 1982 665.5
Nutrition in health and disease history and geography Cooper, Lenna, F Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1963 616.39
Nursing research history and geography Kader Parahoo Macmillan press ltd 1997 610.7
Nuclear power and the energy crisis Economics Duncan Burn The macmillan press/1978 338.47621
Nuclear Power and Non-Proliferation Political science Michael J.Brenner 1981 327.174
Nuclear nonproliferation, the spent fuel problem history and geography Ed: Williams, Frederick, C Deese, David, A Deese, David, A New York, Pergamon press, 1979 363.728
Nuclear explosions and their effects history and geography India ministry of information broadcasting New Delhi, 1958 355.0217
Notes on a high wind in Jamaica Literatures Hughes, Richard London, Longman 1980 801.953
Notes on a high wind in Jamaica Literatures Hughes, Richard London, Longman 1980 801.953
Notes from the dead house History & Geography Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Moscow, Roduga publishers, 1989 891.7344
Not By War Alone: Security and Arms Control in The Middle East Political science Paul Jabber 1981 327.174096
Northern Ireland: The Orange State political science Michael Farrell 1976 320.9416
North-South:A Program for Survival Political science 327.11
North south partnership Economics Federal government germeny/1995 338.943
Non-Alignment in Contemporary International Relations Political science 1981 327
Non-Alignment in Contemporary International Relations Political science 1981 327
Non-Alignment An Independent Factor in the Democratization of International Relations Political science Banko Petkovic 1979 327
Non-Alignment An Independent Factor in the Democratization of International Relations Political science Banko Petkovic 1979 327
Non- Governmental Human Rights Organization in International Relations Information Peter Baehr 2009 o60
Non stationary datd doing economic research Economics Tham asmaver Edwand elgar publication limited/1995 330.072
Non stationary datd doing economic research economics Tham asmaver Edwand elgar publication limited /1995 330.072
Non stationary datd doing economic research Economics Tham asmaver Edwand elgar publication limited \1995 330.072
No Voice is Louder Than the Voice of the Uprising poletical science 1989 322.42
No past, no present, no future History & geography maddy, Yulisa, Amadu London, Heinemann, 1973 896.343
NO ONE'S SON: The Story of a defiant Ethiopian Boy and His Bold Quest For Freedom History & Geography Tewodros Fekadu 963.5072
No easy walk to freedom, articles, speeches and trial addresses of Nelson Mandela History and Geography Mandela, Nelson London, Heinemann, 1965 896.3908
No easy task History and Geography Kachingwe, Aubrey London, Heinemann, 1966 896.393
No destination Literatures Satish kumar Mochyn du black pig press 1978 808.83
No 46 steve biko History and Geography Hilda Bernstein International defence and aid fund 923.296
Nine modern Soviet plays History & Geography Komissarzhevsky, Victor Moscow, Progress publishers, 1977 891.744
Nile Opportunities History & Geography Kinfe Abraham 963
Nile Dilemmas History & Geography 963
Nightingale fever, Russian Poets in revolution History & geography Hingley, Ronald London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1982 891.781
Nicolae Tituleseu's diplomatic activity History and Geography Oprea, I. M. Bucharest publishing house of the academy of the socialist ripublic of Romania 1968 923.2498
NGOs,States and Donors social science 1997 303.44
NGOs and The Universal Declaration of Human Rights political science William Korey 1998 323.0601
NGOs Africa and the global order history and geography Robert Pinkney Palgrave macmillan 2009 514.749
Newswriting and Reporting Information James M.Neal 1976 o70.43
News Reporters and News Source Information Herbert Strentz 1992 o70.43
new way history and geography 1985 428.6
New Trends in Ethiopia Studies History & Geography 963
New Thinking For Our Country and The World political science Mikhail Gorbachev 1987 320.532
New Theories of Recolution political science Jack Woddis 1972 322.42
New Theories of Recolution political science Jack Woddis 1972 322.42
New technologies for exploration and exploitation of oil and gas resources Technologies Commission for the European communities London, Graham and trotman limited/1979 660.28424
New Strategies in Social Research Derek Layder psychology 1996 300.72
New rules for global markets Economics Palgrave macmillan/2004 337
New Rights Advocacy political science Paul J. Nelson 2008 323
New Nations in a Divided World Political science 1963 327
New Nations in a Divided World Political science 1963 327
New Modes of Governance in The Global System Political science 2006 327.17
New Keynesian economics Economics The mit press Cambridge/1991 330.156
New Keynesian economics economic The mit press Cambridge/1991 330.156
New Keynesian economics Economics Mankiw and Romer The mit press Cambridge\1991 330.156
New international economic order LAW 341
New Directions in Strategic thinking history and geography Ed: O'Neil, Robert London, George Allen 1981 355.0335
New direction political economy Economics Green wood press/1979 330
New direction political economy economics Green wood press /1979 330
New direction political economy Economics Madeline Barbara Leuns Green wood press \1979 330
Never The Same Again: Women and The Miners'Strike phycologists Jeanstead 1987 305.489069
NEVER KNEEL DOWN: Drought,Development and Liberation in Eritrea History & Geography 963
Neuromedical and neurosurgical nursing history and geography Gillian Purchese Douglas Allan Bailliere tindall 1984 616.8024
Network Communication Technology information Ata Elahi 2001 oo4.6
Network Analysis and Troubleshooting information Scott Haugdahl oo4.62
Neoliberalism Economics David Harvey Oxford university press/2005 330.102
Neoliberalism economics David Harvey Oxford university press /2005 330.102
Neoliberalism Economics David Harvey Oxford university press \2005 330.102
Neo-Colonialism in West Africa Political science Samir Amin 1973 325.3
Neo-Colonialism in West Africa Political science Samir Amin 1973 325.3
Neighborhood politics history and geography Crenson, Mathew A. Cambridge, Harvard university press, 1983 352.007
Neighborhood politics history and geography Crenson, Mathew A. Cambridge, Harvard university press, 1983 352.007
Neighborhood politics history and geography Crenson, Mathew A. Cambridge, Harvard university press, 1983 352.007
Nehru, a political biography History and Geography Brecher, Michael London, Oxford University press, 1961 923.154
Negotiation as a Social Process sociology Roderick M. Kramer 1995 302.3
Nature Social Relations and Human Needs psychology 2009 300.1
Nature on the rampage, our violent earth History and Geography Ed: National geographic society special publications division Washington, National geographic society,1986 904.5
Natural Rights Theories Their Origin and Development political science Richard Tuck 1979 323.4
Natural Resource Policy Making In Developing Countries economic William Ascher 1990 304.2
Natural law and civil sovereignty Law Palgrave macmillan/2002 340.112
Natural law Law G.W.F.Hegel University of Pennsylvania press/1975 340.112
Natural law history and geography G.W.F.Hegel University of Pennsylvania press 1975 370.112
NATO's strategic Options: arms control and defense history and geography Ed: Yost, David S. New York, Pergamon press, 1981 355.03302
NATO the next thirty years: the changing political, economic, andmilitary setting history and geography Ed: Myers, Kenneth A. Colorado, West view press, 1980 355.031 709917007
Nations Against The State The New Politics of Nationalism in Quebec, Catalonia and Scotland political science Michael Keating 1996 320.5409
Nationalism Rationality political science 1995 320.54
Nationalism and liberty: the swiss example history &geograhpy Kohn, Hans London, Geogre Allen and unwin ltd., /1956 949.407
Nationalism & Self Determination in the Horn of Africa social science I.M.Lewis 324.24
Nationalism political science Elie Kedourie 1993 320.54
National-Liberation Movement on The Threshold of The 1980s-Whom is It With? political scince 322.42
National Liberation Revolutions Today political science K.N. Brutents 1977 322.42
National languages in the USSR, problems and solutions history and geography Isayev, M, I Moscow, Progress publishers, 1977 409. 47
National income and the price level Economics Martin J.Bailey Mcgraw-hill/1971 339.3
National identity nationalism and constitutional change LAW Ed;Frank Bechhofer Palgrave macmillan /2009 342
National defence of Ethiopia social science Ministry of inforamtion Addis Ababa, Ministry of information/1968 355.033063
National and class conflict of africa history & geography John Markasis Cambridge university press/1987 967.7
Nation and Citizenship in The Global Age political science Richard Munch 2001 320.1094
Nasser, a political biography History and Geography Stephens, Robert Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1973 923.162
Nasser abiography history & geography jean lacouture Alfred A.Knopf 1973 823.1092
Narrative of Three prostitutes in Addis Abeba social science BETHLEHEM TEKOLA 305.31
Narrative of A Journey through Abyssinia in 1862-1863 History & Geography Dufton, Henry Connecticut, Negro University press/1970 913.040963
Namibia: the last Colony history & geography Essex, Longman group/1981 968.8
My war with the CIA History and Geography Sihanouk, Nourdom Burchett, Wilfred England, Penguin books Ltd., 1974 923.1596
My vision of Nigeria history & geography Shagari, Shehu London, Frank Cass Ltd./1981 966.905
My song is my own history & geography Kathy Henderson Pluto press 1979 823
My mother my self history & geography Nancy Fridan Delacorte press 1977 823
My Mission To Abyssinia History & Geography Gerald H. Portal 963.042
My Kenya acress: a Woman farms in Mau Mau country History and Geography Lander, Cherry London, Harrap,1957 926.3
My country and my people History & Geograhpy Yutang, Lin London, William Heinmann ltd/1936 951
My apprenticeship, my universities History & geography Gorky, Maxim Moscow, Progress publishers 891.73
Mussolini History and geography Smith, Denis Mack London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1981 945.091
Music, Ritual and Falasha history Arts Shelemay, Kay, Kaufman Michigan, Michigan state university/1986 781.7163
Murder on the orient express history & geography Agatha Christie William Collins sons 1933 823
Multinationals in the global political economy Economics The macmillan press/1993 338.883
Multicultural public relations, a social interpretive approach Technologies Banks, Stephen, P Califormia, Sage publications, 1995 659.2
Multicultural Citizenship political science Will Kymlicka 1995 323.1
Multi- Oprating System Networking information 2000 oo5.4476
Multi - Level Governance history and geography Ian Bache IAN Oxford University Press Inc 2004 351
MS Office 2000for Every One information Sanjay Saxena 2000 oo5.3
Mrs. Kang BanSok, Mother of the great leader of Korea History and Geography Korean democratic Women's Union Central Committee 1968 923.65193
Mr. Gandhi History and Geography Shahani, Ranjee New York, macmillan, 1961 923.154
Mother History & geography Gorky, Maxim Moscow, Progress publishers, 1954 891.73
Moscow, Stalingrad, 1941-1942, rcollections, stories, reports History and Geography Vassilevsky, A Moscow, Progress publishers, 1970 940.54095
Moscow, architecture and monuments History and Geography Karmanova, N Moscow, Progress publishers, 1968 914.73104
Moscow the city and its people History and geography V.Promyslov Novosti press 1985 947.4731
Mortal Fear Literature Cook, robin London, Pan Books, 1988 823
Morning rendezvous history & geography Belov, V. Moscow, Raduga, 1983 891.7
More Women Can Run political science Susan J.Carroll 2013 320.082
More than Sunburnt, Africa mostly above the Equator History & Geography Cottrell, Kent 916.04
Morals and Politics The Ethics of Revolution psychology William Ash 1964 172
Morality and Foreign Policy psychology Kenneth W.Thopson 1980 172.4
Money galore History & geography Djoleto, Amu London, Heinemann,1975 896.333
Money credit and asset prices Economics Gordon Pepper Macmillan press/1994 332.63
Money banking and credit in the soviet union and eastern Europe Economics Adam Zwass The Macmillan press/1979 332.10947
Money and power Economics Jonathan David Aronson Sage publication/1977 332.15
Money and monetary policy in less developed countries Economics Pergamon press/1980 332.49172
Money and democracy Economics George Macesich praeger/1990 332.4973
Monetary policy in Europe after Maastricht Economics Wilhelm Nolling Macmillan press/1993 332.46
Monetary economics in developing countries Economics Subrata Ghatak Palgrave Macmillan/2007 332.15
Monetary economics in develoing countries LAW Subrata Ghatak Palgrave macmillan/2008 342