Title Subject Author Publisher Call No
Financial Regulations Financial regulation-Ethiopia social science Ethiopia Provesional Mil. Gov. Min. Of Finance Addis Ababa, Minstry of Finance/1981 351.0206063
Financial markets and monetary policy Economics Jeffrey A. Frankel The MIT press/1995 332.6
Financial Mangement Technologies Rao, S. B New Delhi, Vikas, 658.15
Financial management principles and applications Technologies Titman Keown Martin Pearson education limited 658.15
Financial management and policy Technologies Van, Horne James London, Prentice-Hall International,Inc., 658.15
Financial management Technologies Eugene F.Brigham South-western 658.15
Financial Management Technologies Knott, Geoffrey London, Macmillan, 658.15
Financial Management Technologies Pandey, I. M. New Delhi, Vikas publishing house, 658.15
Financial liberalization and investment Economics Kanhaya L. Gupta routledge/1996 332.6
Financial institutions and markets Economics Meri Kohn Oxford university press/2003 332.10978
Financial information for management Technologies ACCA text book Foulks lyncb 658.15
Financial and fiscal policy of Ethiopia social science Addis Ababa, ministry of information/1968 339.52
Financial and Cost Management for Librarysand Information Services information 1998 o25.11
Financial analysis for decision making Technologies Blecke, Curtis, J Bombay, Parker publ.comp/1981 658.403
Financial accounting and reporting history and geography Barry Elliott Person education limited 2012 657
Finance of foreign trade history and geography Whiting, D, P Plymouth, Macdonald and Evans 1981 382
Fighters for national liberation: political profiels History and Geography Moscow, progress publishers, 1983 923.2
Fifty years of world revolution (1917-1967), An internation symposium History and Geography Ed: Madel, Ernest New york, Merit publishers, 1968 909.09082
Fields of teaching and educational services history and geography Green, John, A New York, Harper and Row publishers, 1966 371.1
Fidel: a biography of Fidel Castro History and Geography Bourne, Peter, G. New York, Dodd Mead and company, 1986 923.17291
Fidel and religion, Conversations with Frei Betto Literature Betto, Frei Australia, Pathfinder press 1986 808.856
Feminist PoliticsActivism & Vision: Local and Global Challenges Political science 2004 327.49
Feminism Theorists phychology 1983 305.42
Feminism and the Marxist movement history and geography Mary Alice waters Pathfinder press 1972 362.843
Feminism and International relations psychology Sandra Whitworth 1994 305.42
Feminism and International relations phychology Sandra Whitworth 3 1994 05.42
Felix frankfurter history and geography Melvin I Urofsky Twayne publishers 347.7314
Federalism subnatioal constitution and minority rights LAW Ed;G.Alan Tarr Praeger publisher/2004 342
federalism of accomidation of diversity political science Assefa Fisehy 2005 320.463
Federalism and the Accommodation of Diversity in Ethiopia social science Assefa Fiseha 320.463
Federalism and International Relations: The Role of Subnational Units Political science 1990 327.101
Federalism and International Relations: The Role of Subnational Units Political science 1990 327.101
Federalism and Ethics Conflict in Ethiopia social science ASNAKE KAFALE 305.863
Federal Ethiopia at Cross Roads social science 343.0163
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Comprehensive Justice System Reform Program social science 342.711
Federal constitution of the swiss confederation LAW 1828 Federal department of foreign affairs/1991 342
Farfrom the Madding Crowed history Hardy, Thomas Essex, Longman,1991 823
Fanily law history Fanily law Kate Standley 346.015
Famine and Survival Strategies social science Dessalegn Rahmato 363.3492
Family policy Economics Margaret wynn Michael Joseph ltd/1970 331.128
Family law history and geography Kate Standley Palgrave macmillan 346.0668
Family law history and geography Kate Standley Macmillan press 346.0668
Falling stars history & geography V.C.Andrews Pocket star books 2001 823
Falasha Anthology psychology Wolf Leslau 1951 296
Facts on file national profiles: North America history & geography Kurian, George Thomas New York, Facts on file /1990 970
Facts and figures Economics Foreign languages press/1985 335.4345
Facts about Yougoslavia History and Geography Jugoslovenska, Revija Belgrade, Federal Committee for Information 1976 914.9704
Facts about the socialist republic of Serbia History and Geography Serbia, Socialist republic of secretariat for information Belgrade, Republican secretariat for information Socialist republic of Serbia, 1977 914.97106
Fact on The History of Ethiopia and Eritrea History & Geography Haddas W/ab 963.5
Facing War Women economic 305.4
Facing the international energy problem 1980-2000 Economics Amos A.Jordan praeger/1979 333.79
Faces of africa history Thomas Patrick Melady Macmillan press/1964 960.3
Faba Bean in Ethiopia in Ethiopia (Vicia Laba) Technology Yohannes Degago 641.3565
Exterminism and cold war history and geography Thompson, Edward London, Verso editions, 1982 355.0355
Extended writing skills in English, students Book Literatures Case, Dough Oxford, Heineman 1983 808.042
Extended writing skills in English, students Book Literatures Case, Dough Oxford, Heineman 1983 808.042
Exploration and ming geology history and geography William C.Peters John wiley and sons 1987 622.1
Exploding freedom history and geography Sam Pitroda Allied publishers limited 1993 600
Experiments in electonic devices and circuits history and geography Bogart, Theodore, F Columbus, Merill publishing company, 1986 621.38132
Experimental nuclear physics, history and geography Mukhin, K, N Moscow, Mir publishers, 1987 539.7
Exotic Ethiopian Cooking Technology Mesfin, D, J 641.04
Excellence, can we be equal and excellent too? history and geography Gardner, John, W Bombay, Vakils, feffer and simons ltd 1984 370.115
Ex-Italian Somliland history & geography Pankhurst, Estelle Sylvia London, Watts/ 1951 967.7303
Evil Days, 30 years of war and Famine in Ethiopia History & Geography New York, Human right watch/1991 963.07
Evidence rules history Evidence rules 345
EveryBody Guide to Parliament Political science W.J.Brown 1945 328.42
Eve Was Framed Women and British Justice economic Helena Kennedy 1992 305.4
European security and co-operation LAW A.P.Sheetikov Progress publishers /1978 341
European law in the past and the future Law R.C.van Caenegem Cambridge university press/2002 340.4
European Foreign Policy and The European Parkiament in The 1990s Political science Donatella M.Viola 2000 327.4
Europe under stress Economics Europe under stress The royal institution of international affairs/1981 330.94
Europe under stress Economics Yao Su Hu The royal institution of international affairs/1981 330.94
Europe since Napoleon History and Geography Thomson, David Harmondsworth, Penguin books, 1966 940.28
Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth century’s, 1789-1950 History and Geography Grant, A, J London, Longmans, 1956 940.2
Europe and the soviet union History and Geography Young and lawry Edward Arnold 1972 912
Europe and America, the Western world in modern times History and Geography Bloom, Solomon, F New York, Harcourt, Brace and world 1961 940.2
Ethnopolitics a Conceptual Framework phycologists Joseph Rothschild 1981 306.2
Ethno-History of The Konta People History & Geography Teferi Abebe 963
Ethnicty Kills? The Politics of War, Peace and Ethnicity in Subsaharan Africa political science 2000 320.96
Ethnicity and gender at work Economics Harriet Bradley Palgrave macmillan/2008 331.4089
Ethnicity & Democracy in Africa political science 2004 320.96
Ethiopioa's Economic Policy During The Transitional Period social science 330.963
Ethiopie d'hier et d'aujourd' hui History & Geography Andre Davy 963
ETHIOPIC An African Writing System It's History and Principles Language Ayele Bekerie 411.70963
Ethiopian tourist papered History & Geography 963
Ethiopian story Lirerature Heliodorus 808.543
ETHIOPIAN STORIES Lirerature Georges S. Schuyler 813.52
Ethiopian philosophy: the treatise of Zeraye yakob and welde Hiwot philosophy,psychology Sumner, Claude Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa university/ 1996 199.63
Ethiopian philosophy: the treatise of Zeraye Yakob and welde Hiwat philosophy,psychology Sumner, Claude Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa University/1976 199.63
Ethiopian philosophy: the treatise of Zeraye Yaeqob and Welde Hiwot philosophy,psychology Sumner, Claude Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa university/1982 199.63
Ethiopian literature in Amharic Lirerature Kane, Thomas, Leiper Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz/1975 892.8
Ethiopian legal Form book: Forms of law and legal documents social science Redden, Kenneth , Robert N., Hamawi, Alexandra(Miss) Abebe, Guangul Addis Ababa, Haile Selasie I University/1966 349.63
Ethiopian Legal Form book social science Kenneth Robert Redden 340.0963
ETHIOPIAN JOURNEYS: Travels In Ethiopia1960-72 History & Geography Paul B.henze 910.0963
Ethiopian Jews and Israel social science Ethiopian Jews and Israel 305.8924
Ethiopian Episode Leslie Brown History & Geography Leslie Brown 916.304
Ethiopian Economics association/ Ethiopian Economic policy research institute social science Befekadu Degefe 330
Ethiopian Economics association social science Getnet Almu 330
Ethiopian Constitutional development, a Source book social science Paul, James, C.N Chapham, Christopher Addis Ababa, Haile Selassie I University/1967 342.963
Ethiopian civilization History & Geography Belay, Giday Addis Ababa/1992 963.04
ETHIOPIAN Omo River social science Roman Burda 306.08
ETHIOPIAN Diversifying The rural Economy social science 338
Ethiopia:an heretical Revolution, Rene Lefort History & Geography Lefort, Rene 963.06
Ethiopia: a New Poletical History History & Geography Richard Greenfield 980
Ethiopia-Eritrean History and The Ethiopia-Eritrean WAR History & Geography Kinfe Abraham 963
Ethiopia,Eritrea & Djibouti History & Geography 963
Ethiopia, Victorious Struggle against Fascism History & Geography Addis Ababa, [S.N.]/1985 oo497 Ethiopia, Victorious Struggle against Fascism History & Geography 963.056 Addis Ababa, [S.N.] 1985 7 5 55
Ethiopia, The Unknown Revolution History & Geography Vivo, Roul, Valdes Havana, Social Science/1978 963.06
Ethiopia, the era of the princes History & Geography Abir, Mordechai London, Longmans/1968 963.03
Ethiopia, The Country that cut off its head History & Geography Thomson, Blair London, Robson Boods/1975 963.06
Ethiopia, The Challenge of Hanger social science Hancock, Graham London, Victor Gollancz/1982 363.3492
Ethiopia, Revolution and the question of Nationalities, the case of AFAR History & Geography Kassim, Shehim London, Marsham street/1985 963.06
Ethiopia, Power and protest History & Geography Gebru, Tareke Asmara, Red Sea Press/1996 963.05
Ethiopia, Population resources Economy social science Galperin, Georgi Moscow, Progress Pub./1978 304.60963
Ethiopia, Politics,Economics and Society social science Schwab, Peter 320.963
Ethiopia, Political power and the militatry History & Geography Cole, Ernest Paris, The Indian Ocean News Letter/1985 963.06
Ethiopia, Mountain Kingdom History & Geography 91 Watson, Jane Werner 916.3
Ethiopia, ministry of Information Religious freedom in Ethiopia religion Addis Ababa, ministry of information/1965 200
Ethiopia, Laying foundation for a sustained Socio-Economic development social science Addis Ababa, ministry of information/1986 330.963
Ethiopia, Land beyond the rift social science Haftnef, Ednas S.L, S.N,/1957 373.963
Ethiopia, Her gloom and glory, slave trade and slavery History & Geography Christy, David New York, Negro Universities press/1857 963
Ethiopia, From Autocracy to Revolution History & Geography 963.06
Ethiopia, a tourist paradise History & Geography Addis Ababa, Ethiopia tourism commission/1996 963
Ethiopia, a pawn in European diplomacy History & Geography Work, Ernest Ohio, New concord/1935 963
ETHIOPIA'S Unconditional Choice social science Ayalew Tegene 333.7
Ethiopia's post 1991 Media Landscape: The legal Perspective History & Geography Andargachew Tiruneh 943.74
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Ethiopia Well - Being and Poverty in Ethiopia social science 334.684
Ethiopia under Mussolini History & Geography Sbacci, Alberto London, Zed Books/1985 963.056
Ethiopia under Haileselassie History & Geography Sandford, Christine London, J.M Pent and Sons/1946 963.05
Ethiopia unbound studies in race emancipation History & Geography History & Geography London, frank cass and 963
Ethiopia The United States and The Soviet United Political science David A.Korn 1986 327.47063
ETHIOPIA The Last Two Frontiers History & Geography Johan Markakis Johan Markakis
Ethiopia The Dynamic of Economics Reforms social science Kinfe Abraham 338.963
Ethiopia taxonomy cartography and Ecology of soils Technology Donahue, Roy, L. Michigan, African Studies Center/1972 631.4963
Ethiopia Since a Derg History & Geography 963.07
Ethiopia Revolution War In The Horn Of Africa History & Geography Gebru Tareke 963.07
ETHIOPIA Photographed Historic Photographs of The Country and its People Taken Between History & Geography Richard Pankhurst 963.040222
ETHIOPIA Options for Rural Development social science Siegfried Pausewang 307.1412096
ethiopia Off The Beaten Trail History & Geography John Graham 963.05
Ethiopia Modern Nation in The World History & Geography 963
Ethiopia its people its society its culture History & Geography George A.Lipsky 963
Ethiopia in Mengistu's Final Years History & Geography Paul B henze 963.33
ETHIOPIA IN CHANGE Peasantry,Nationalism and Democracy social science 320.963
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ETHIOPIA From FeudalAutocracy to People's Democracy History & Geography 963.05
Ethiopia from Empire to Federation History & Geography 963
Ethiopia from Bullets to Ballet Box Kinfe, Abraham Kinfe, Abraham Lawrencelu, Read See Press/1994 320.963
Ethiopia Empire in Revolution social science Ottaway, Marine Ottaway, David New York, Africana Publishing Company/1978 320.96306
Ethiopia Demographic & Health Survey Natural Science 526.963
Ethiopia Criminal Procedure A Source book social science Stanley Z. Fisher 345.05
Ethiopia Contract Law General Provission social science Girma Gizaw 346.02
Ethiopia At Byay: A Personal Account of The Hailesellassie Years History & Geography John H.Spencer 963.06
Ethiopia and The Red Sea History & Geography M. Abir 963.02
Ethiopia and the Bible religion Ullendorff, Edward London, oxford university press/1968 220.46
Ethiopia and Eritrea, The last phase of the Revnion Stuggle 1941 History & Geography Pankhurst, E., Sylvia 963.06
Ethiopia and Eritrea Adocumentary Studies History & Geography Habtu Ghebre-ab 963.5
Ethiopia Anatomy of a Traditional Polity social science John, Markakis 320.963
ETHIOPIA AGRICULTURE Problems of Transformation Technology Dejene Aredo 630.63
Ethiopia Realities by Major Polson Newman History & Geography Georges Allen 963
Ethiopia My Home:The Story of John Moralities History & Geography Elizabeth Germany 963
Ethio-Eritrean Conflict History & Geography Walta Information Center 963.5
Ethinic Minority Media an International Perspective sociology 1992 302.23089
Ethics,Human Righs and Culture Political science Xiaong Li 2006 325
Ethics,Human Righs and Culture Political science Xiaong Li 2006 325
ETHICS psychology 1986 170
Ethicity, Gender and The Subversion of Nationalism phycologists 1995 305.8
Ethical Issues in Contemporary Human Resource Managment psychology 2000 172.4658
Ethical Dimensions of Poletical Communication psychology 1991 172
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Essential Grammar in use history and geography Murphy, Raymond Cambridge, Cambridge University press, 1997 425
Essays on realism History & geography Lukacs, Georg London, Lawrence and wishart, 1980 894.511
Essays In Sociology and Social Philosophy psychology 1956 301
Essays in political economy Economics Yuri Popov Progress publisher/1984 335.421
Essay on Ethiopia Economic Development social science Birhanu Abgaz 338.963
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Eritrea, Revolution at dusk History & Geography Papstein, Robert New Jersy, Red sea press/1991 963
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Eritrea on the eve History & Geography Pankhurst, E, Syliva Walthamstow, the walthamstow press/1952 963
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