Title Subject Author Publisher Call No
Travels in Southern Abysinia History & Geography Pankhurst, Richard Western Germany, Gregg International Publishers limited/1972 916.0963
Travels in my home land history & geography Garrett, Almeda London, Peter owen, 1987 869.3
Travels in Ethiopia History & Geography Buxton, David London, Ernest Benn/1957 916.304
Travels in china 1966-71 History and Geography Alley, Rewi Peking, New World press, 1973 915.104
Travels in Abyssinia and the galla country with and account of a mission to Ras Ali in 1848 History & Geography Plowden, Walter, Chichele 963.01
Transnational Corporations and Development Policy Critical Perspectives psychology 2009 172.2
Translation issues in language and law Law Palgrave macmillan/2009 340.14
Transition to Modernity social science 1992 303.4
Transforming agrarian economies Economics Thomas P.tomich Cornell university/1995 338.10917
Transformational leadership Technologies Bernard M. bass Psychology press/2006 658.4092
Transformation to Modernity social science 2002 303.4
Transboundary damage in international law LAW Xue Hanqin/2003 Cambridge university press 341
Traite De Langue Amharique Language Marcel Cohen 492.85
Training the gunfighter history and geography Mullin, Timothy John Colorado, Paladin press, 1981 355.5
Training in practice Computer science, information and general works A.H.Anderson Infinity books/2002 68.312404
Tragedy in Algeria history & geography Mansell, Gerard London, Oxford University press, /1961 965.04
Traditions of the Ethiopian Jews History & Geography Asres Yayeh(Qes) Canada/1995 963
Traditional Culture and The Impact of Technological Changes sociology George M. Foster 1962 301.243
Tradition and creativity in tribal art Arts & recreation Ed: Biebuyck, Daniel Berkeley, University of California press 709.011
Tradition and Change in Ethiopia: social and Cultural life as reflected in Amharic fictional literature 1930-1974 Lirerature Molvaer, Reidulf, Knut Leiden, E.J. Brill/1980 892.8
Trade policy at the crossroads history and geography Mehdi Shafaeddin Palgrave macmillan 2005 382.30917
Trade and technology in Soviet-Western relations history and geography Hanson, Philip Basingstoke, the Macmillan press ltd., 1981 382.50947
Trade and conflict in Agola history & geography Birmingham, David Oxford, Clarendon press, /1966 967.3
Tractors and automobiles history and geography V.Rodichev Mir publishers moscow 1984 631.372
Towns in Africa Social sciences Nigel Oram 1965 307.76096
Towards the mountain, an autobiography history and geography Paton, Alan New York, Charles Scribner's sons, 1980 371.10092
Towards Colonial Freedom Political science Kwame Nkrumah 1962 325.3
Towards Colonial Freedom Political science Kwame Nkrumah 1962 325.3
Towards A Pax Africana: A Study of Ideology and Ambition political science Ali. A. Mazrul 1967 320.54
Towards a just society History Alastair Hudson Alastair Hudson 344.4103
Toward an Information Bill of Rights & Responsibilities Political science 1995 323.445
Toward a Psychology of Being psychology Abrham H.Maslow 1968 155.25
totemism history and geography Claude Levi-Strauss Beacon press 1962 392.1
Total National defence in theory and practice history and geography Ed: Seferovic, Mesur Belgrade, Narodna Armlja, 1975 355.4497
Torturing a nation LAW Abdullah M.Al-Hammadi 341
Tort law history Tort law Tony Weir 346.03
Topics in trade coordination of planned economies history and geography Zauberman, Alfred London, the macmillan press ltd., 1980 380.10917
Toolkt on Gender in Agriculture history and geography Fony, Monica S. Washington D.C., The world bank, 1996 630.2
Toolkits: A Practical Guide to Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Assessment Jo phycologists hns Lane 2003 307
Toolkits Economics Save the children Save the children/2003 338.91
Toolkit on gender in water and sanitation history and geography Monica S.Fong The world bank 1996 613.042
Tomorrow's Women economic Helen Wikinson 1997 305.4
Tomorrow is A Day Political science John Beecher 1980 320
Tokyo bay : a novel of Japan Literature Grey, Anthony London, Pan Books, 1996 823
Today's Mathematics history and geography Heddens, James, W Speer, William, R New York, Macmillan publishing co., 1988 372.7
To The Martyrs of Black September political science 1971 322.42
To the light house history Woolf, Virginia London, Longman 1993 823
To kill a generation, the red terror in Ethiopia History & Geography Babile, Tola Washington, free Ethiopia press 963
To Be Born A Nation: The Libration Struggle for Namibia political science Department of Information and Publicity,SWAPO of Namibia 1981 320.512097
Tito's Military acomplishment History and Geography Ed: Maodus, Stevo Belgrade, Narodana Mrmija, 1977 923.1
Tito's historica decisions 1941-1945 History &Geograhpy Lekovic, F, Trgo M. Beograd, NIV Narodna Armija, /1980 949.7023
Title: The reader's companion to world literature Literatures Ed: Hornstein, Lillian, Herlands New Yourd, New American Library, 1962 808.8
Title: The reader's companion to world literature Literatures Ed: Hornstein, Lillian, Herlands New Yourd, New American Library, 1962 808.8
Time series models for business and economic forecasting Economics Philip Hans Franses Cambridge university press/1998 338.544
Time for a New Way of Thinking psychology Vladlen Kuznetsov 1987 153.42
Time chance and organizations, natural selection in a perilous environment Technologies Kaufman, Herbert New Delhi, Asian books, 658.1
Tiger Eyes Literatures Conran, Shirley London Pan books Ltd., 1995 823
Tides of fortune, 1945-1955 History and Geography Macmillan, Harold London, Macmillan, 1969 940.5
Tiberius and Pontius Pilatein Ethiopian Tradition and Poetry Lirerature E.Cerulli 892.83
Three Essays on Party-Building Political science Liu Shaoqi 1980 324.2
Threat from The Easdt? Political sience Fred Halliday 1981 327.47056
Those Who Play With Fire phycologists Henriettal L. Moore 1999 306.09676
Thistle History & geography Fedete, Estavan Budapest, Corvina press, 1970 894.511
This Place Will Become Home Refugee Repatriation to Ethiopia social science Laura C. Hammond 323.640963
This is south africa history & geography south africa Communication service/1995 968.22
This is my native land, a soviet journalist's travels History and Geography Peskov, Vasili Moscow, Progress publishers, 1976 914.704
This incrediable century History and Geography Norman Vincent Peale Tyndale house publishers,1991 900
This earth, my brother History & geography Awoonor, Kofi London, Heinemann, 1971 896.333
This Earth of manking History and Geography Toer, pramoedya, Ananta New York, Penguin, 1990 899.22132
This Amazing, Amazing, Amazing But Knowable Universe Philosophy V.Gott 1977 110
Thirty years of victory History and geography Deborin, Grigory Moscow, Progress publishers, 1975 947.084
Third world voices for children history and geography Lavitt, Edward Mcdowell, Robert, E London, Allison and busby, 1979 398.2
Third World Politics A Comparative Introduction political science Paul Cammack 1993 320.09
Third world attitudes toward international law an introduction LAW Ed;Frederick E.Snyder Martinus nijhoff publishers/1989 341
Thinking Sociologically psychology Zygmunt Bauman 1990 301
Thinking it through: A practical guide academic essay writing Literatures Trent university Ontario, Acdemic skills center, 1987 808.021
Thinking it through: A practical guide academic essay writing Literatures Trent university Ontario, Acdemic skills center, 1987 808.021
Thinking it through, A practical guide to academic essay writing Literatures Ed: Taylor, Catherine Peterborough, Ontario Academic skills center, 1987 808.4
Thinking fast and slow history and geography Daniel Kahneman Penguin books 2011 381
Thinking about development Economics Paul Patrick Streeten Cambridge university press/1995 338.9
Thesecret history of Gender economic Steve J.Stern 1995 305.3
Theory of state and law Law Progress publisher/1987 340.115
Theory of Organization sociology Jerald Hage 1980 302.35
Theory of International Relations Political science Scott Burchill 1996 327
Theory of International Relations Political scence Scott Burchill 1996 327
Theory of Classification information Krishan Kumar 1979 o25.42
Theory of Cataloguing information Girja Kumar 1975 o25.3
Theory and problems of matrices history and geography Ayres, Frank New York, McGraw-1983Hill book company, 1983 512.943
Theory and Problems of Data Processing information Martin N. Lipschutz 1982 oo1.6
Theory and problems of Advanced Mathematics for engineers and Scientists history and geography Spieyel, Murray, R New York, McGraw-Hill book company, 1983 510
Theory and Problem of Introduction of Computer Science information Francis Scheid 1983 oo1.64
Theory and principles of education history and geography J.C.Aggarwal Vikas publishing house 2002 370.1
Theory and practice of CMEA history and geography Ausch, Sandor Budapest, Akademiai kiado, 1972 382.9147
Theory and Methods in Political Science Political science 1995 320.01
Theory and Methods in Political Science Political science 1995 320
Theories of value and distribution since adam smith Economics Maurice Dobb Cambridge university press/1973 335.412
Theories of The State The Politics of Liberal Democracy political science Patrick Dunleavy 1987 320.1
Theories of International Relations Political science Scott Burchill 2009 327.101
Theories of Federalism political science 2005 321.02
Theories of delinquency history and geography Donald J. Shoemaker Oxford university press 1996 364.36
Theoretical mechanics, A short course history and geography Targ, S Moscow, Mir publishers, 1976 531
Theology of promise history and geography C.S.Banana The college press 1982 612.015
The Yugoslav experiment 1948-1974 History &Geograhpy Rusinow, Dennison London, C. Hurst and Company, /1977 949.7023
The Young Lenin History and Geography Trotsky, Leon England, Penguin books Ltd. 1972 923.247
The young guard, a novel History & geography Fedeyev, A Moscow, Foreign Languages publishing House 891.73
The young guard book two History & Geography Alexander Fadeyev Progress publisher 1973 891.73
The young guard book one History & Geography Alexander Fadeyev Progress publisher 1973 891.73
The young guard history & geography Alexander Fadeyev Raduga publisher 1987 891.7
The Yong Hegal, Studies in the relations between dealectics and economics History and Geography Lukacs, Georg London, Merlin Press, 1975 921.3
The yogi and the commissar and other essays Literature Koestler, Arthur London, Jonathan cape, 1945 808.84
The yellow devil Economics A Anikin Progress publisher /1983 332.4222
The WTO and developing countries history and geography Homi Katrak Palgrave Macmillan 346.94
The writings of chinua Achebe Literature London, Heinemann, 1969 809
The Wretched of The Earth political science Frantz Fanon 1963 322.42
The world's great religions religion The glories of christendom 200.9
The world's great brands Technologies Ed: Yochan, Nichlas London, Macmillan business, 1996 658.827
The World of Women in Pursuit of Human Rights economic Janice Wood Wetzel 1993 305.4
The world of Penguins history and geography Saintsing, David Milwaukee, Gareth stevenspublishing, 1988 598.441
The World of Girls and Boys in Rural and Urban Ethiopia History & Geography 963.23
The world market today history and geography Kostyukhin, Dmitry Moscow, Progress publishers, 1979 382.1
The world in the early eighties, current international problems facts and figures History and Geography Ed: Zarodov, K.I. Prague, International publishers, 1982 909.0908
The World in 2020 social science Hamish Mcrae 1994 303.4
The world economic and social crisis Economics Fidel castro The council of state /1983 330.9
The world economic and social crisis economic Fidel castro The council of state /1983 330.9
The world economic and social crisis Economics Fidel castro The council of state \1983 330.9
The world court and the contemporary international law making process LAW Edward McWhinney Sijthoff and noordhoff/1979 341
The world capitalist economy Economics v.v. rymalov Progress publisher/1978 330.122
The world capitalist economy economics v.v. rymalov Progress publisher /1978 330.122
The world capitalist economy economic v.v. rymalov Progress publisher/1978 330.122
The world capitalist economy Economics v.v. rymalov Progress publisher \1978 330.122
The world blind union guide to the Marrakesh treaty LAW Laurence R.Helfer Oxford university press/2017 342
The world bank and the poverty of nation Economics Catherine Caufield Pan books/1996 332.1532
The world bank and the environment Economics The world bank International bank for reconstruction /1993 332.1532
The world and Africa history Dubois, W.E. Burghardt New York, International publishers/1985 960.3
The world market for fruit juices with special reference to citrus and tropical fruit juices Technologies International trade centre Geneva, ITC, 1982 658.83866
The Women's Manual of Parliamentary law with Practical Illustrations Especially Adapted to Women's Organizations Political science Harriette Robinson Shattuck 328
The Women of My Imagination psychology Canaan Banana 1980 305.42
The Women Movement economic Ellen Key 1912 305.42
The woman’s manual of parliamentary law political science Harriette Robinson Shattuck bibliolife 323.34
The Wise Men Political science 1986 327.20922
The winslow boy Literature Rattigan, Terence London, Longman 1991 822
The Wind Will Not Subside Years in Revolutionary China-1964-1969 political science David Milton 1976 320.951
The will to die History & geography Can Themba heinemann 1978 896.3
The will to die History & Geography Themba, Can London, Heinemann, 1978 839.363
The Whole women economic Germaine Greer 1999 305.4
The white stallion History & geography Jan Kozak Orbis press 1980 891.86
The West and the world since 1945 History and Geography Blackburn, Glenn New York, St. Martins press, 1996 940.53
The wessex tales history Hardy, Thomas London, Longman,1995 823
The way we lived, Ibo Customs and stories History & geography Umeasiegbu, Rems Nna London, Heinemann, 1969 896.3
The War Over and America Could Look Forward to The Best Years 1945-1950 Statistics Joseph C.Goulden 1976 309.173
The War Danger: Its Source and How To Stop it psychology Boris Ponomarev 1981 172.1
The voice of valor History and Geography Cohen, Geual Tel avi-ve, Yair publishers, 1990 923.25694
The voice of the steppe, modern Kazakh short stories History & geography Kromov, I Moscow, Progress publishers, 1981 891.7491
The voice Arts Assefa, GMT 781.96
The visual experience, an introduction to art Arts & rrecreation Lowry, Bates Englewood, Prentice-Hall, 1967 701.18
The vision splendid: the future of the Central Africa Federation history & geography Philips, C E. London, Heinemann /1960 968.9
The virgin lands History and geography Leonid Brezhnev Progress publisher 1978 947
The Virago Book of Women Travellers economic 1993 305.40903
The Vietnam war: why? history and geograhpy Sivaram, M New York, Macfadden-Bartell corporation,/ 1966 959.7043
The Victory of Adowa and What we Owe To Our Heroes History & Geography Abebe Hailemelekot 963.043
The USSR and international economic relations history and geography Ed: Manjulo, A, N Moscow, Progress publishers 382.1947 , 1987
The ussr and inter national economic relations Economics Progress publishers/1985 337.47
The Urban Context: Ethnicity, Social Networks and Situational Analysis Social sciences 1995 305.8
The united States in history history & geography Shotwell, James T New York, Simon and Schuster /1956 973
The United States and Poland Political science Piotr S.Wandycz 1980 327.730438
The united nations in international politics LAW Ed;Leon Gordenker Princeton university press/1971 341
The United Nations and the principles of International Law Eassays in memory of Michael Akehurst LAW Ed: Lowe, Vaughan Warbrick, ColinLondon, Routledge/1994 341
The united nations and international law LAW Ed;Christopher C.Joyner Cambridge university press/1997 341
The united nation in the new world order LAW Ed;Dimitris Bourantonis Macmillan press/1995 341
The United Kingdom Parliament and European Union Legislation Political science Adam Jan Cygan 1998 328.41
The unfinished quest for unity LAW Zdenek Cervenka African publishing company/1977 341
The Undeclared War Against American Women psychology Susan Fanudi 1991 305.420973
The U.S. military doctrine history & geography Trofimenko, Genrikh Moscow, Progress publishers /1986 973.74
The twenties, American writing in the postwar decade Literature hffman, Fredrick, J. New York, Free press 1965 810.9
The Turbulence of Migration Political science Nikos Papastergiadis 2000 325
The Turbulence of Migration Political science Nikos Papastergiadis 2000 325
The truth about cultural exchange LAW Progress publisher/1977 341
The truth about Afghanistan: documents, facts, eyewithess reports history and geograhpy Moscow, Novosti press agency publishing house,/1981 958.1 TRU
The trial of Jomo Kenyatta History and Geography Slater, Montagu London, Secker and warburg,1957 923.16762
The trial of dedan kimathi History and Geography Thiong'o, Ngugi, Wa London, Heinemann,1976 896.3922
The trial of annie besant Literatures Roger Manvell Elek/pemberton 1976 808.83
The Trek An Ethiopia Famine's Struggle Against Famine social science Gebre Ab Barnabas 363.63
The Treasure of Lebna Dengel Lirerature Sherrington, Rechard Addis Ababa, Oxford University press/1970 892.8
The transition to egalitarian development Economics Keith Griffin The macmillan press ltd/1981 330.91724
The transition to egalitarian development Economics Keith Griffin The macmillan press ltd/1981 330.91724
The transition from feudalism to capitalism Economics Paul sweezy Unwin brothas limited/1976 330.122
The transition from feudalism to capitalism economic Paul sweezy Unwin brothas limited/1976 330.122
The transition from feudalism to capitalism Economics Paul sweezy Unwin brothas limited\1976 330.122
The Transformation of Political Communication Continiouse and Change inMedia and Politics social science Ralph M. Negrine 2008 303.4
The Transformation of Political Communication social science Ralph Negrine 2008 303.4
The Transformation of Cities Urban Theory and Urban Life Social sciences David C.Thorns 2002 307.76
The Tragic Vision of Politics Ethics,Interests and Orders psychology Richard Ned Lebow 2003 172.4
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The traditional artist in African societies Arts & recreation D'azevedo, Warren, L Indiana, University press, 1973 709.6
The tongue of the dumb History and Geography Mulaisho, Dominie London, Heinemann, 1971 896.393
the three percent solution and the future of NATO history and geography Foreign policy research institute Philadelphia, Pennsylvania foreign policy research institute, 1981 355.03109
The thought of karl mark Economics David McLellan The macmillan press/1980 335.41209
The Thjird World and U.S Foreign Policy Coopration and Conflict in The 1980s Political science Robert L.Rothstein 1981 327.730172
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